Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Solipsism- the removal of truth and falsehood, right and wrong, Love, and values in America. (or what's left of it)

'What has philosophy have to do with it?'
This is the kind of thing that you might hear nowadays from people when you start bringing up anything that might challenge their dumb-downed and poisoned world-view which negates philosophy; ie. the Love of wisdom; wisdom being what we DO according to our knowledge and understanding.
In fact, philosophy has everything to do with everything, but like almost everything that is commonly accepted, it's turned on it's head. When you start looking into what is really is happening, you often find that it differs wildly from what has been presented, and accepted as true by virtually everyone. What is supposed to be reality is really a fiction; and what is true has been obfuscated with the trickery of language, and the manipulation of human psychological weaknesses.
For example; That 'money' is value.
That government is real.
Just about everyone believes these things, and they act and feel accordingly, but when examined, these are flat out lies and contradictions. the purchasing power of money can get you value (ie. food).
Government does not exist in physical reality, but only in the mind. It's like a headache everyone shares, so it becomes 'real', but 'real' in this case is a euphemism.
 People are happy believing, because they have been conditioned to readily swallow this King lie of all lies: that there is no Truth;
An authority can make it up as they go along, and it's whatever they happen to be saying right now. What was the 'truth' yesterday might need to be changed today to fit the newest agenda to keep the sheep and cattle in their mental pens, and tacitly providing their life force to their masters.

I thought of starting a blog about all the things I hear from people when they inadvertently betray that they are stuck in this trap of solipsism that has been sprung to catch them. The more you become aware how prevalent solipsism is embraced in todays world, the more you start recognizing it upon peoples lips. Of course, they have no idea that this is the hole that they have fallen into, and that this is what they are practicing.
After all, for them, there is no objective truth separate from what they decide in 'their own reality' based on belief. How could and would they discern falsehood from fact when to them, this would be an unnecessary and meaningless move. Afterall, for them, there is no difference besides the timing.

"I never said that what i claimed was a fact" translates into: I was probably lying, but i simply regurgitate beliefs picked up from self-styled authorities. I repeat it, so now it's 'true' insofar as it works in my own mind, and that's all that counts. I create my own reality, so anything goes.
A contradiction is no longer a contradiction, not because it's been removed, but because it can be incorporated into a poisoned worldview easily when that is what makes up the body of the poisoned worldview.

"Humans are just another animal"; although we alone in the animal kingdom are required to pay out our life-force for the privilege of existing on the earth and taking up space, that is all that's special about us.
Oh, and our presence is inherently 'killing the earth'. That's all we have inherited as our birth-right, if you listen to these humans; that we are fundamentally bad; it's the new-age version of 'original sin'.

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